New E-Book By Fellow Blogger:Golden Drops

Victor S E Moubarak has just published a new e-book titled Golden Drops: The Wisdom of Fr. Ignatius. Golden drops they are! The book is compilation of stories featuring Victor's beloved, and one of my new favorite fictional priests, Fr. Ignatius of St Vincent's parish.
I promise you once you read one Fr. Ignatius story, you will be back for more. This e-book is a collection of some of the author's favorites.
It is easy to read; I did so in a little more than an hour, but God's wisdom that comes through Fr. Ignatius through Victor's pen (or keyboard) is very rich.
You can download the e-book by visiting Victor's website. Right now he is generously offering this book free of charge.
Victor is also the author of the book Visions. You can read more about Visions and look forward to more of Fr. Ignatius by visiting Victor's blog Time For Reflections.
Thank you, Victor for allowing God to speak through you and Fr. Ignatius.


Thank you so much Karinann for your kindness to me. I am very grateful.

God bless you always.