Book Review: Go To Joseph

 Scripture does not tell us much about the person this great saint was. We know him as the foster father of our Lord and as Mary's earthly spouse. We know that he protected Jesus and Mary in those early days following Jesus birth, but who is Joseph, the man?
In Fr. Richard Gilsdorf's book of meditations, Go To Joseph, we gain more insight into the man this saint was. Each meditation reflects and expounds on the person of Joseph and each of his roles  in his life in the Holy Family.
At the end of each chapter are questions for reflection. I found these helpful in that they allowed me to meditate more deeply on the different aspects of Joseph's life and personality.
The footnotes that are provided throughout the book give more historical background in which to place this saint, helping the reader see Joseph in the culture in which he lived.
Many of the great saints throughout the ages have had a deep devotion to St Joseph. St Teresa of Avila says in her autobiography that devotion to this saint is critical to progress in the spiritual life. And why wouldn't we have a devotion to this saint, but it is difficult to be devoted to someone we know so little about. This book helps the reader to get to know the man and therefore can lead to a deeper devotion to him.
The book also includes a section with prayers to this great saint, among them the beautiful Litany of St Joseph.
As this is the Year for Priests, one passage in particular stands out :
"It is obvious, therefore, why priests, who are custodians of the Eucharist, should foster a personal devotion in their vocation to Joseph, especially at a time like our own when devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is drastically diminished, a time when the Eucharist literally needs priestly protection. Ours is also a time when contentious voices are questioning the discipline of priestly celibacy, and when prayer is seldom seen as direct contemplative communication between God and the soul. Yet, Joseph, again was a protector, he was chaste, he was prayerful." ~Chapter 8, p.84
As we near the feast day of this great saint (March 19), this little book is a wonderful way to deepen or begin your devotion to St Joseph.

Go To Joseph can be purchased from The Catholic Company

*Note: Nothing but a copy of the book reviewed here was exchanged for the review.
