The Work Of The Father's Hands

I love the image of God our Father as the Potter and we His children as the clay. I love the thought of God, my Creator, molding me into the person He created me to be.
Funny thing about clay, though is that if left out, especially in the sun, it will dry out. It becomes hard and brittle without the life-giving moisture. The potter may find that he needs to take a chisel to it, and with that the risk of it either crumbling or at the very least resistant to what the potter has in mind for it.
Our souls too can become hard like that left out clay. It needs the life giving water that comes from Jesus. Jesus is our best example of how to remain soft and supple in the Father's hands. He prayed often and was always more concerned with doing His Father's will than anything else.
The clay of our souls will remain soft and supple through prayer and reception of the sacraments. Just like that lump of clay on the potter's wheel~if it gets messed up, the potter can begin again. He can't do that with a dried out brick. God our Father, through His Son Jesus can do the same with us. When we start to turn out as something other than the Potter intended by our sins, through the sacrament of Reconciliation, He can begin over again with us. Through the Eucharist we will receive the Living Water of Christ that will keep us malleable and able to respond to the Potter's touch.

Heavenly Father,
May I always remember that You are my Father and Creator. May my soul never again be hardened by mortal sin. Through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, may I remain responsive to Your touch so as to become what You created me to be.
This I pray through the same Christ Our Lord.


Nice post. As for me, I was that piece of clay that rolled off the table, got all misshapen, and had to be chased down. Perhaps I am not the only one...
Unknown said…
Thanks Elizabeth. Yes I have rolled off the wheel myself~so glad our Heavenly Potter feels I am worth chasing down :)
Have a blessed Advent.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful reflection, Karin! I so love that God calls Himself..and really is!--Our Father. Our Father forever...

I am always so touched that His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, so eagerly shares His Eternal Father, and His sonship with us! He welcomes us as His true brothers and sisters. Divine Generosity!

I too have dried up and had to be re-fashioned by Our Father.

Thanks for the lovely image, Karin.

Wishing you a Holy Advent,
You write even better after your short break.

God bless.
Your post reminds me of what Jesus said to St. Margaret Mary. He showed her dried and cracked mud and said it looked like the hearts of people committed to sin. He told her that they were not open to His grace. I'm like the cracked up clay, but fortunately God's given me the grace to amend my life. He really does fix the broken ones of us. I wonder often who prayed so hard for me that I finally came around. Thank God for them!

One of the hardest things to do is to let God do the work shaping us instead of meddling with His hands. I wonder often who prayed so hard for me that I finally came around.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your thoughts on this one. I love the phrase you used to describe God's welcoming us all~Divine Generosity~ that really does describe it well.

Thanks Victor. The time away did me and this blog some good.

Thanks for sharing Our Lord's words to St Margaret Mary. I have a friend who likes to refer to us sinful humans as "cracked pots". God definitely is a Master Potter; He patches those cracks right up when we allow Him to and the prayers of others certainly helps.

Advent Blessings to all of you.
Mary N. said…
Oooh...loved this post and the imagery you used here! I especially liked reading the remedy to soften us up - the sacraments and prayer will definitely do that. I can harden up pretty quickly without them.
This is a Spirit inspired post, Karin. It has God written all over it. Thank you!
Anne said…
Thank you for this beautiful reflection!
Unknown said…
Thanks Anne and Mary.
Mary, I wrote that reflection at 2am after my weekly midnight Holy Hour. I am sure that has something to do with it :)

Advent blessings to you both.
Daily Grace said…

This is a truly beautiful post. Like clay, I harden quickly when I move away from my Blessed Potter's hands. The older I get, the more I realize my need for him.

God bless
Unknown said…
Thanks Colleen. it's one of my favorites too.