The Continual and Silent Prayer of St Benedict

Today the Church celebrates the feast of a very powerful saint, especially in the area of fighting the demonic. St Benedict has been venerated since the early Middle Ages, and consequently a medal was struck. The medal can be worn around the neck, carried in a pocket or purse or attached to a rosary. Many people put one over the entry way to their home. The medal itself is said to be a continual and silent prayer.
Over the course of the last few days, there has been a fair amount written, including my own post, about the dangers of the occult. These practices are more wide spread than many realize. We need to pray for those who fall into Satan's grip from these practices.
Let us ask St Benedict for his intercession for this intention as we celebrate his feast day today.
EWTN has an excellent article on St Benedict and his medal. Please join me in the following prayer to St Benedict, not only for our own protection, but for all those who need deliverance from these evil practices.

Prayer to St Benedict
0 glorious St. Benedict, sublime model of all virtues, pure vessel of God's grace! Behold me, humbly kneeling at thy feet. I implore thy loving heart to pray for me before the throne of God. To thee I have recourse in all the dangers which daily surround me. Shield me against my enemies, inspire me to imitate thee in all things
May thy blessing be with me always, so that I may shun whatever God forbids and avoid the occasions of sin. Graciously obtain for me from God those favors and graces of which I stand so much in need, in the trials, miseries and afflictions of life. Thy heart was always so full of love, compassion. and mercy towards those who were afflicted or troubled in any way. Thou didst never dismiss without consolation and assistance any one who had recourse to thee. I therefore invoke thy powerful intercession, in the confident hope that thou wilt hear my prayers and obtain for me the special grace and favor I so earnestly implore (mention it), if it be for the greater glory of God and the welfare of my soul
Help me, 0 great St. Benedict, to live and die as a faithful child of God, to be ever submissive to His holy will, and to attain the eternal happiness of heaven. Amen.