Recourse To The Holy Family

Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family. In this day and age when the family is under great attack, let us have recourse to the Holy Family of Nazareth, following their example of unity, simplicity and holiness.
One of our priests at Mass today gave this acronym for family to demonstrate the importance of family.


Prayer to the Holy Family
Lord Jesus Christ, 
who, being made subject to Mary and Joseph, 
didst consecrate domestic life 
by Thine ineffable virtues; 
grant that we, 
with the assistance of both,
may be taught by the example 
of Thy Holy Family 
and may attain to its everlasting fellowship.
Who livest and reignest forever. Amen.


Unknown said…
Thanks Colleen. Happy New Year to you as well.
Hugs and many blessings in the coming year.
Michael said…
Love the acronym!

A happy and Blessed New Year to you!
Best wishes to you and your family for the New Year.

God bless you always.
Unknown said…
Please provide me with the name of author of the icon: The Holy Family :)
Unknown said…
I was not able to find the author of the icon, but do know it is of Byzantine origin.