Through Jennifer at Conversion Diary I found a link to this Meme on Elizabeth Esther's blog. The Meme is called The Saturday Evening Blog Post. On the first Saturday of each month, bloggers are invited to write a post featuring their favorite post for the previous month. This is the first edition of the SEBP so bloggers are choosing their favorite posts from the month of August. Click on Elizabeth's name above to read posts by other bloggers as well as add your own to the list. I am new to both of these ladies blogs, but have enjoyed my visits with them. Be sure to check them both out.I chose a bit of a serious topic for my first post to this meme, but it is the one that generated the most comments. The title of the post is
Not Everyone Is Pro~Life and is my response to how I felt after hearing those words come from one of my family members. At the end of the post I included a prayer I found to St. Gianna Molla. There is a link to her story in the post as well.
Thanks to Jen and Elizabeth for coming up with the idea for this fun meme and to Elizabeth for hosting.