All Creation Sings God's Praises

I live in a fairly small suburban town in Union County, New Jersey. It is a fairly busy town with lots of traffic. However, we have the Waterfalls at Rahway River Park right here in our little town of Clark. I call it New Jersey's best kept secret. Granted, the falls are not Niagra or anything but also not something you might expect in the middle of suburbia.
This is truly my favorite spot in my little corner of the world. I love to bring a book, or my rosary, and just sit beside these little falls on the Rahway River.
This past Sunday was a beautiful, breezy perfect autumn day, so I ventured out to my favorite spot, this time camera phone in hand, to take in the beautiful Fall colors. I sat for awhile on my favorite rock by the falls; the breeze was blowing in the direction that I could feel the cool mist on my face~just an added bonus. I then continued to walk along the river.
I thought I would share some of my pictures here. The pictures don't do the vibrant colors justice, but you get the idea.
I can't help but praise our Creator on days like this, seeing all His hand has made, and the awesome artwork He provides for our enjoyment.
Enjoy the pictures!

And Christopher, I know what you mean about the Northeast :)but for now it is home.