Feast Of Saints Simon & Jude

Today the Church celebrates the feasts of two of Christ's Apostles, Simon and Jude. Scripture tells us very little of these two men.
In this post I am going to direct you to some other noteworthy posts and websites that will offer some history and prayer.
Don't miss Fr. Gordon MacRae's post, Hey Jude (yes there is even a Beatles connection). As a side note, if you haven't read Father MacRae's story, please do so while at his blog and offer a prayer for him as well.
For some history on these two saints visit American Catholic.
And finally for the St. Jude prayer, I direct you to the St Jude National Shrine site.
Thank you two these saints and Apostles for their love for and witness to Christ and His teaching.
Sts Simon and Jude, pray for us.
Blessings to you this beautiful day!
I have got to purpose it my heart to take a specific time in the day to pray and read the Bible. It seems to change with each passing year as my responsibilities and obligations increase or decrease.
Still, I desire to read and study the Bible quietly at home. God will have to help me with this.
God bless you and may you have a great week,