The Holy Disposition of Beatitude
Sermon of the Beatitudes: James Tissot
The following litany is based on the Beatitudes as recounted in Luke 6: 17, 20~26.
A Litany of the Beatitudes
V. Lord, have mercy.R. Christ, have mercy.
V. Lord, have mercy. Christ hear us.
R. Christ graciously hear us.
That we may become poor in spirit so that we may one day attain God's kingdom...
Christ Jesus, bless us.
That we may hunger for You in Word and Sacrament and so always be satisfied...
Christ Jesus, bless us.
That while on this earth we may weep over our sins and sinfulness, but one day laugh in the joy of Your mercy...
Christ Jesus, bless us.
When we are hated, excluded, insulted, and denounced as evil because of You, that on that day we may rejoice and leap for joy in the knowledge that our heavenly reward will be great...
Christ Jesus, bless us.
That those who seek to be filled with the riches of this world so to laugh and be thought highly of will have a change of heart...
Christ Jesus open their hearts to You.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father,
You have shown us the way to You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. By Your grace, may we open our hearts and minds to His teaching and follow in His ways so that we may one day arrive safely in our heavenly home where we may praise You, Father , Son and Holy Spirit for all eternity.
We ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son who lives and reigns with You, one God for ever. Amen.