Embracing What God Says Is Possible

"Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled."
~Luke 1:45

Each year my parish gives us the gift of the devotional Daybreaks during Advent and Lent. This year's Advent meditations are written by Mary Katharine Deeley. In her opening reflection she talks about having an Advent Mission.
I took the thoughts she wrote about in the reflection and personalized them and added a little as well to form my own Advent Mission Prayer.

A Prayer To Embrace The Possible
Heavenly Father,
I pray that I will embrace what You say is possible and that I will believe with a more lively faith that what You say will be so.
I pray that I will always give witness to what is possible in me though Your grace and Your power.
You gave Your Son, Jesus Christ to be the light to shine through my darkness. By His life, death and resurrection, He makes all things new.
All of this I pray through the same Christ Our Lord.


Thank you Karinann.

I really needed that prayer. Remember me in yours.

God bless.
Mary N. said…
I will join you in this prayer, Karin. It's beautiful!