Prayer And Compassion Know No Distance

 The events that took place in Iraq recently in the bombing of a Catholic Church are horrendous. For those of us here in this country and others, it could become quite easy to allow the distance to distance us spiritually as well. These people are our brothers and sisters in Christ and as such part of Christ's Mystical Body, the Church.
I found a link over at Fr. Robert Barron's blog at Word On Fire that gave a link that allows us to write letters via e-mail to our brothers and sisters who have suffered through these terrible events, and continue to suffer this persecution.
We may not be able to hop the next flight to Iraq, but we can certainly bridge the distance with our prayer and support.
You can get more details on how to do this over at Why I Am Catholic.
It may seem like a small thing, but as St Therese advises in her Little Way, it is small things done with great love that matters most to God.

*Last day to write letter is Tuesday, November 16, 2010.


Mary N. said…
Thanks for the link, Karin.
Judy Dudich said…
How wonderful...sorry I'm getting here too late to write but can certainly still pray for those who have sent letters and those who will receive them:)