The Upper Room At Every Mass
I sometimes wish that I could have lived when Jesus did so that I could actually see Him and be with Him as the Apostles were. This reflection by Mother Angelica reminds us that we are with Him and He is with us just as He was with the Apostles that first Holy Thursday in the Upper Room; this is true at every Mass. As Mother states in her reflection, the only difference is a difference in natures.
Her humble reflection demonstrates the power of Christ in the Eucharist as well as His unfathomable and undying love for each of us.
My Jesus, I wish I had been in the Upper Room the night before You suffered for the redemption of those You loved so much. Again I entertain vain desires for am I not really present at the Last Supper at every Mass? My faith is weak and my love lukewarm, Yes, I am there–that awe-inspiring moment when Your Apostles understood Your previous revelation of Your Body and Blood as food, is totally mine at every Mass. I can offer God to God in reparation for my sins. I can receive God into my soul so His Precious Blood, shed for me, begins to run its course in my heart.
I can see Your Face at the Last Supper, Lord Jesus, as You looked up to heaven to the Father who sent You and gave Him thanks and praise. I wish I had the courage to praise the Father before every sacrifice that His Wisdom asks of me. Give me that total consecration to the Father's Will, that union with the Father's Love.
Did the Apostles gasp in wonder as they heard You say, "Take this, all of you, and eat it: this is My Body which will be given up for you"?
I look upon the Host whenever I am at Mass, speechless and struck with awe at such humility. My life is so full of me–so full of pride–so full of the need to keep my identity. You are willing to hide Your Glory and Majesty behind this wafer, so I may gaze at my God and not die. You want me to be comfortable in Your Presence–to speak to You unencumbered by the difference in our natures. Oh Love, that is not loved, how can I return Your love? Wash me clean, dear Jesus, clean of every sin and weakness. Cover me over with mercy and forgiveness.
The Mass In My Life
Mother Angelica
Mother Angelica