The Father Speaks...

And He says: "My Word is alive." As I was reading and listening to the Scripture readings for today's Mass, I saw the bridge between Old and New Testaments. In the first reading from Deuteronomy, we hear Moses imploring his people to "take these words of mine into your heart and soul..." and in the Gospel we hear Jesus use very similar language: "Everyone who listens to these words of mine..." In both instances it is our Heavenly Father who speaks~first through Moses and then through His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Yes, His Word is alive; it lives in Scripture, in Sacred Tradition and in the Eucharist. So let us do as Moses tells us and observe God's statutes and decrees, but let us also live them in faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ~ the Father's Word and love revealed to us.


Great post and great video. Thanx.

God bless you.
Mary N. said…
I've probably told you this already but - I LOVE Casting Crowns!
I enjoyed both the post and the video :) Yes, His Word is alive!
Unknown said…
Thanks Victor and Mary.
Casting Crowns was my introduction to Contemporary Christian Music; I heard their song Lifesong and I was hooked :)