Enlighten, Guide, Strengthen, Console

As I was leaving our Perpetual Adoration chapel today, I picked up a prayer card from a little display outside the chapel. This little display always has different prayer cards in it, and this particular one has been there for a few weeks. Funny how I chose today to take a card. I didn't read the prayer until I got home; it was the image that caught my eye. God always knows what we need to hear and when we need to hear it, and He certainly knows how to speak the right words to us.
I am not sure of the author, but I thought I would share it here.

Come, Holy Spirit
Replace the tension within us 
with a holy relaxation;
Replace the turbulence within us 
with a sacred calm;
Replace the anxiety within us 
with a quiet confidence;
Replace the fear within us 
with a strong faith;
Replace the bitterness within us 
with the sweetness of grace;
Replace the darkness within us 
with a gentle light;
Replace the coldness within us 
with a loving warmth;
Replace the night within us 
with Your Light.


Michael said…
God always meets us - wherever we are.

Thanks for sharing!

God Bless.