Changes Inside and Out

Obviously I have made some major changes to the look and layout of this blog. The outer changes really come from some changes that I have noticed within.
Since returning from retreat this year, I have felt God sort of nudging me to simplify things. The sense of quiet I took part in on retreat I have been trying to maintain where possible in my daily life. Now I haven't become a hermit or anything that extreme~just trying to remove the clutter from daily life.
I have felt the need to simplify this blog as well. I like the simplicity of this template; it puts the focus on the writing, which I always pray gives glory to God and not me. The sidebars are hidden off to the right. If you hover on the black tabs you see to the right, my blogrolls and Catholic links show up, along with a few other gadgets.
The final change will begin June 1. I will be closing comments. This is not because I have received anything negative from anyone, or because I don't feel like reading comments. Once again, it goes back to the simplicity and taking the focus off me. I have always wanted those visiting to feel like they can come and go without feeling like they should comment. Come, read, and take whatever God gives you from what you have read. That being said, if you would like to comment, I have set up a separate e-mail account that you can use. You will find it in the "Contact Me" link under the header. Those of you who have my personal e-mail may still use that if you'd rather.
I know these changes seem somewhat radical~they truly are. I have felt the Holy Spirit doing a little spring cleaning in my soul and I am not resisting (for once in my stubborn life).
I thank my long time readers for their patience with these changes. For those who are new to the blog~ Welcome, and well, you don't know anything has changed :)
As we approach Pentecost, I thought this was a good time to let the Holy Spirit breathe new life, not only within me, but in this blog as well.


CWrites said…
Karin, while running tonight I was getting little inspirations and then wondering if the ideas were mine or the Holy Spirit's. I decided I wasn't a mystic so I should just go with those born of love and caring, even if they meant sticking my neck out and looking foolish. I like the simplified look of your blog. I know you blog for the greater glory of God. It seems in keeping of that to remove comments. It strikes me as an act of humility too. Tha is always a clear path to greater closeness to God when I read the lives of the saints.
Unknown said…
Thanks Colleen. I have been praying about the comments issue for some time now and the more I pray about it, the more I feel it is the right thing to do, at least for me.
Caroline said…
Karinann, I think you're new look is absolutely beautiful. You touch a cord with me regarding the housekeeping, simplicity and ...yes, the comments. All of blogging can be an occasion of battle for me. Sometimes I wonder if I should just quietly bow out..But then He nudges me and says..."not yet." OK, Lord", but then as you do so well here, all I want to do is glorify Him. In a way I'm thankful for the comments or I wouldn't have met wonderful people like you..So I'm torn..and ever seeking Him for greater clarity.
Thank you for your willingness to share how He's leading you.
I'll be reading whatever you do.
Blessings and +
Unknown said…
Thanks Caroline. The reason I set up the e-mail account is so that no one would feel "shut out"; that is not my intention. It is much like Nancy at Cloistered Heart talks about~ filtering through the grille. Thanks for sticking with me through the changes.
Unknown said…
Thank you Colleen. I do appreciate the prayers and your friendship. Remember, you can always e-mail me :)and I will still be commenting on your blog as well as others when the Spirit moves me to do so.