The Glories Of Mary

The month of August begins the month dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Church in her wisdom also begins this month dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart by celebrating the feast of St Alphonsus Liguori. This great saint and Doctor of the Church wrote extensively on devotion to our Blessed Mother. One of his most prolific works is called The Glories of Mary. It is divided into two parts; the first is the saint's commentary on the Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen), the second part is is commentary on Marian feast days.
The saints and Doctors of the Church have so much to teach us. Reading St Alphonsus' writings, as well as St Louis de Montfort's, I believe will instill the sparks of devotion to the souls who have none and increase devotion in the soul who already has devotion to Our Lady; their writings are that powerful. Whenever I feel my devotion to Mary needs a little jump start, I turn to the writings of these two saints.
In honor of St Alphonsus Liguori's feast today, I leave you with an excerpt from The Glories of Mary. (You can click the link to read more.)

Mary Is Our Life: She Obtains Pardon for Our Sins
JUST as the soul gives life to the body, so grace gives life to the soul. And so our Lady, obtaining grace for sinners through her intercession, brings back life to their souls.
They who find me find life, and win favor from the Lord (Prv. 8:35). All you who hunger for the Kingdom of God, honor the most Blessed Virgin Mary and you will find life and eternal salvation. 
St. Bernardine of Siena says that the reason why God did not destroy the human race after the first sin was His singular love for this holy Virgin, who was eventually to be born of the race.
Indeed, he says, all the mercies granted under the old dispensation were no doubt granted only in consideration of this most Blessed Lady.
In the Song of Songs (6: 10) Mary is called the dawn: Who is she that comes forth as the dawn? Dawn is the end of night and the beginning of day; the Blessed Virgin is the dawn of day, because she is the end of vice. 
When devotion to Mary begins in anyone, it produces the same effect that our Lady's birth produces in the world: it ends the night of sin and leads a person along the bright path of virtue.
St. Germanus once said in a sermon that to pronounce the name of Mary with affection is a sign of life in the soul, or at least a sign that life will soon return there.
Do not be afraid (Bernardine de Bustis encourages every sinner), even if you are guilty of every crime possible. Go with trust to this most glorious Lady.
You will find her hands filled with mercy and bounty. She longs to do you good much more than you could ever long to receive good from her.
No sinner who turns to this compassionate Lady should ever be afraid of being spurned --- she is the very Mother of Mercy and, because she is, it is her ambition to save the most miserable of all.
Mary is the ark which saves from eternal destruction anyone who takes shelter in it. 


Kathryn said…
Thank you Karinann! I am looking forward to reading more St. Alphonsus Liguori. Thanks for the link to excerpts from The Glories of Mary.
Mary N. said…
I love Mother Mary :) Thanks for the excerpt and the link!
Unknown said…
Thanks ladies and God bless!