Called Out of the Ordinary
What struck me most about today's Gospel(Mark 1:14~20) is how Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James and John while they were by the shore mending their fishing nets. Jesus called them to come after Him to do the extraordinary~ being fishers of men, but He calls them while they are going about their ordinary routine of daily life.
I believe Jesus does the same with each of us. He calls us out of the ordinary~ness of our daily lives to come after Him, to follow Him. Where He leads is never ordinary and we find ourselves doing the extraordinary, things we never imagined we could or would do.
Being called out of the ordinary is possible only because of Jesus' invitation to us to follow Him. If and when we accept this invitation from the Master we will find the extraordinary. When we accept His invitation to come after Him, nothing is ever the same again.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for Your invitation to follow You. Give me the courage to take Your hand to go wherever You may lead me. May I trust You implicitly in everything. May I always anticipate the extraordinary in living life in and with You.
Have a glorious Sunday!
It just goes to show you we must be ready at any point of our day - routine or not - to answer His call.
God Bless you.
Blessings to you both.