Jesus' Perfect Prayer

In his Wednesday Audience yesterday, the Holy Father spoke about the prayer of Jesus during the Last Supper. Since I can not say anything near as beautiful on this topic as the Pope did, I will just say this: On that first Holy Thursday, Jesus celebrated the first Mass in which He offered Himself to the Father for His Apostles and for each of us.We can never pray as perfectly as Jesus did, but He gave us the command to "do this in memory of Me.", and so with the institution of the priesthood on that same night, we still today take part in Jesus' perfect prayer. We offer, with the priest, Jesus to His Heavenly Father, and with that we also offer ourselves and all that we are and have. There is nothing better we can do, no better prayer we can pray, than assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Please take a few minutes to read Pope Benedict XVI's catechesis on The Prayer of Jesus.
I also invite you to visit Fr. Mark Kirby's blog, Vultus Christi and prayerfully read the meditation he posted yesterday, Intercession: A Work of Love. The meditation speaks in Our Lord's words about the power of intercessory prayer and coming to Him in the Blessed Sacrament. This meditation is a wonderful extension of the Holy Father's words on Jesus' prayer.


Unknown said…
Glad you enjoyed the links Colleen. Hugs & Blessings!