Entrance To His Sacred Heart
When Longinus carried out the order to pierce Your side, he had no idea what it was he was actually doing.
The spear that pierced Your Side and Heart opened the floodgates from which poured Water and Your Precious Blood~signs of Your love and mercy.
This Sacred Wound is the entrance to Your Sacred Heart.
This Heart is my refuge from the world, my safe haven when the storms of life rain down on me.
It is here in Your Heart where the flames of Your love melt my hardened heart and purify it.
The thorns that surround Your Heart pierce my own heart so that it is united with Yours and my will is conformed to Yours.
I stand at Your pierced side, the entrance to Your sacred Heart, and I hear Your invitation to enter, never to leave unless I so choose. But why would I ever choose to leave?
In this Sacred Chamber I am forgiven, loved beyond measure, and kept safe.
I have taken the step to cross the threshold of love and mercy, and it is there, in the Sacred Refuge You so lovingly offer,
where I wish always to remain.
*June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You can find prayers for this beautiful and powerful devotion by going to the Pages drop down menu above and clicking the June Devotions page.