Patience Obtains All Things

This day started out with challenges from the minute my feet touched the floor. Don't you just love those days! Just getting to Mass this morning seemed to be a huge hurdle~it was as if someone (we know who) did not want me there. Crazy, careless drivers who always succeed in getting my blood boiling seemed to be around every corner. I hate walking into church with my sorry self in a snit, but I was well on my way. Praying all the while through gritted teeth. And things would only get crazier...
I usually go to my parish's 7am Mass, but as I have the day off, I figured I'd sleep in (a rare occurrence for me) and go to our 8:30am. As I went into church there were a few tell tale signs that this was going to be no ordinary daily Mass~ no sacred vessels on the altar as usual, and Sr. Donna walking in and out of the church could only mean one thing~eighth grade Baccalaureate Mass! Of Lord, please not today! I just can't deal with the pomp and circumstance, beautiful as it is; not today. So off I went, but still determined. Another church not too far from me has a 9am; I can still make that.
I entered this church to peace and quiet. Mass began and so did the screaming, running toddler in the back of the church. I give up Lord; so be it; I'm here and that is all that matters.
As I was driving home after Mass, I was thinking about that screaming toddler and began to laugh. God used him to teach me a lesson: I was that screaming toddler, or at least a lot like him. In the few hours that had passed so far in this day, I, like my young friend, had found little peace or calm in anything, and my patience had hit an all time low.
Since I had the day off, I decided I would treat myself to a coffee and some time with my Nook at Barnes & Noble, because you know~ a little, Ok, a lot of caffeine is certainly the remedy I needed in the state I was in :) Sitting in the cafe didn't help; I still felt ill at ease. No, the caffeine from my large coffee hadn't kicked in yet. I took the remainder of my coffee home. I breathed a sigh of relief upon entering my humble little abode, and sat down to pray a rosary. Time with Mama Mary always, without fail, soothes my wired nerves. It was also then that I was reminded of St Teresa's prayer. I don't know about you, but I sure need this one today:
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
~St. Teresa of Avila
There are other forces at work here as well. Later this evening, I am giving my post~abortion witness to 85 thirteen and fourteen year olds. Satan always attacks before these talks. I know this, and I know what to do. However, a few extra prayers never hurt, so I would ask you to pray not only for me, but for these teens as well. May their hearts and minds be open to the Holy Spirit tonight and always.