World Priest Day

Friday June 15, 2012 has been designated as World Priest Day by the American Confraternity of Catholic Clergy. This date is also the feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Confraternity has organized a Rosary Relay for priests. There will be 60 rosaries in 60 countries prayed throughout the day. The rosaries are being prayed by priests for priests.
We, as the faithful, can join in this relay right in our own homes. The World Priest Day site has the schedule of times and locations where each of the rosaries will be prayed. The particular Mysteries being prayed as well as the intentions are listed under each location.
Now more than ever, our priests need our prayers and our support. As we celebrate the feast dedicated to Our Lord's Sacred Heart, let us entrust our priests to His heart through through our Blessed Mother and the Rosary.
Related article at Catholic News Agency