A Rachel Rosary

"Thus saith the Lord: A voice was heard on high of lamentation, of mourning, and weeping, of Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing to be comforted for them, because they are not.  Thus saith the Lord: Let thy voice cease from weeping, and thy eyes from tears: for there is a reward for thy work, saith the Lord: and they shall return out of the land of the enemy.  And here is hope for thy last end, saith the Lord: and the children shall return to their own border."
~Jeremiah 31:15~17

As this Day of Penance and Prayer comes to a close, I thought I would end my blogging day with a post about a very powerful prayer~A Rachel Rosary. This rosary was written by Fr. Larry  Kupferman, a priest who felt called to use his priestly ministry to help those who have suffered from the trauma of an abortion.
A Rachel Rosary is said just as any rosary would be said with a few differences. It is said using the Sorrowful Mysteries with an extra decade at the end~the Resurrection. Before each Hail Mary there is a petition offered for a specific group or individual who may be suffering from post abortion syndrome. ( Counselors who counsel young women that abortion is their best option, the teenage girl afraid to face her parents, the woman too ashamed to go to church etc)
This is a wonderful prayer for pro~life organizations. It can be said as a group or individually.
Abortion must end, but until it does, there are countless men and women in desperate need of healing; a healing that only God can give. This rosary is a very specific way to pray for them.
You can read the forward and the introduction here. The booklet is also available for purchase.
I am grateful to Fr Kupferman for writing this prayer. I am also grateful to all the priests who work tirelessly and compassionately in post abortion healing ministries, especially those in my own archdiocese.
My sincere thanks to all those who went to Washington to march for life today.

 Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
