Moments With Our Savior Between Resurrection And Ascension

We have made the journey through Lent, walked with Our Lord through the events Holy Week leading to His Passion and death, and celebrated with profound joy, His rising from the dead. Yes the tomb is empty, but it doesn't end there. The awesomeness of Easter is so great and so intense that we will celebrate it for the next 50 days!
The Church in her great wisdom does not just plop us back into Ordinary Time, but gives us yet another Liturgical season in these 50 days leading to Pentecost. It is the Church's and Our Lord's invitation to us to spend these days with our risen Savior. During these days, He will appear to countless people, appear to two of His disciples who seem to think He is someone who has been in a cave for the last 3 days and has no idea of the events that have taken place. Well He may have been in a cave, but they will recognize Him in the breaking of the bread. Our Lord will also invite one of His more skeptical disciples to place his hands into Our Lord's Sacred Wounds, and He will make breakfast for the Apostles after they have been out fishing. Before He ascends to take His rightful place at His Father's right hand, He will breathe the gift of His Holy Spirit into His Apostles.
These are wonderful event filled, grace filled days. I pray that we each travel this road between Resurrection and Ascension savoring these moments with our Savior.
I love reading the early Church Fathers. I found an excerpt from one of his sermons on precisely this topic. Follow the link to the Crossroad Initiative website to read what Pope St Leo the Great had to say about the days between Resurrection and Ascension.
May we all have a prayerful and grace filled Easter season.


Anonymous said…
Indeed, there is much food for meditation in the post-resurrection narratives, especially as we lead up to the Feast of Divine Mercy. Thank you for the inspiring post!
