Solemnity Of Mary, The Mother Of God

We begin a new year on this day, but perhaps even more importantly we celebrate Mary's Motherhood. In doing so, we celebrate God's gift of His Son, but also the gift of motherhood itself. All women, whether married with their own children, consecrated virgins, or single laity, are called to create and nurture life according to their given state in this life. For many it is physical motherhood, for others it is spiritual motherhood.
In Mary we are given the model to imitate, for no matter what type of motherhood we are called to, we are all called to bring Christ into our own part of the world.
Today as we celebrate this Marian feast and give honor to the Mother of our Lord, let us pray for all mothers, physical and spiritual. Let us also pray for those women who are being called to motherhood but feel tempted to refuse that gift, may they look to Mary for strength and courage to fulfill God's plan for them.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of death.

 Loving Mother of the Redeemer
Loving Mother of the Redeemer,
Gate of heaven, star of the sea,
Assist your people
who have fallen yet strive to rise again,
To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator,
yet remained a virgin after as before,
You who received Gabriel's joyful greeting,
have pity on us, poor sinners.
~Ancient Liturgy of the Hours Prayer


Anne said…
"Assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again." Lovely! That striving is the hardest part and we do need much assistance!

Happy New Year Karinann!
Unknown said…
Anne- I loved that prayer from the Ancient Lit. of the Hours. And yes I agree the striving is the hardest part. Thank God for our Lady' care and intercession!