To The Mother Of Us All

Mother's Day is not on our Liturgical calendar, but as we celebrate this holiday today we should remember to wish our Blessed Mother a happy Mother's Day as well as our earthly mothers. Mary is the Mother of Our Lord  and through Him she is Mother if us all.
I found this article titled The Virgin Mary and Mother's Day earlier in the week and thought it would be a fitting part of this post.
In the article, Father James Presta of the Archdiocese of Chicago relates a story about something his father said to him regarding Our Lady and Mother's Day. It is also a beautiful demonstration of how a father passed on his love and devotion to Our Lady to his son who would become a priest.
All women, no matter what their vocation are called to love with a mother's heart. May we look to our Blessed Mother and her Immaculate heart for the guidance we need to love in this way. And gentlemen, devotion to Mary will lead you closer to her Son who loved His Mother perfectly. He in turn will show you how to love you mothers, wives and daughters.
Happy Mother's Day to our Blessed Mother and to all the Moms who visit here.
