Rejoicing In The Things That Matter

Normally I post something pertaining to the Gospel for Sunday, but this week I think I am going in a slightly different direction.
It is almost 5pm here this third Sunday of Advent and I have just finished a marathon day of cookie baking. Each year before we go on Christmas break I bake oodles of cookies for our staff to enjoy throughout the week. As I was doing this today, I began to feel a little stressed about the time this was taking and how I don't have my home decorated yet, and just how tired I am.
In the midst of all this, I had the thought that Jesus doesn't really care about the cookies or even the decorations. All He cares about is the where my heart is and if there is room there for Him. This led me to thinking about today's second reading from St James. He tells us to be patient with our brothers and sisters, but I would dare take this a step further and say we also need to be patient with ourselves. I know the things that I need and want to get done will, but today is Gaudete Sunday or Rejoice Sunday. Today we turn our thoughts to Christ's coming at Christmas. The simple yet profound fact that He came and will come again is more than enough to rejoice over, and it is really all that matters.
So during these last two weeks of Advent, I will heed St James' advice and be patient~ with others and with myself. I will rejoice in the things that matter~ Jesus, the others in my life, and then I will find some time for myself.


Deanna said…
Dearest Karinann,
Merry Christmas to you!!!!

God bless,
d from homehaven
Anne said…
Your letter blocks put it all in perspective. How often I try to spell it backwards and end up with nothing! Thanks, Karinann, for the reminder, that if I would only put Jesus first, everything else will turn out right.
Daily Grace said…
I love your ending..Jesus-Others-You!
I will remember this today!

Judy Dudich said…
Thank you...I really needed to read this today:)